Our Staff

World Hope Canada Executive Staff:
Stephanie Gilmer (Executive Director): stephanie@worldhope.ca

World Hope Canada Project Staff:
Sheldon Gilmer (Project Manager) sheldon@blackscreek.ca
Andrea Reid (Project Assistant): andrea@worldhope.ca
Kim Howson (Contract Assistant)
Alexei Durglishvilli (Ukrainian Legal Researcher)

World Hope Ukraine Project Staff:
Sergiy Svystun (Executive Director): gomiletika@gmail.com
Kostya (Project Coordinator)
Dina (Foster Care Coordinator)
Alyona and Valya (Life Skills Teachers)

World Hope Canada Volunteers:
Rick and Anita Pybus (Foster Care Pilot)
Cathy Blok (Life Skills Pilot)
Bea Partington (Life Skills Pilot)
Candice Reaney (Life Skills Pilot)

World Hope Canada Office Information:
101A-900 Dynes Road
Ottawa, ON
K2C 3L6

Phone: (613)482-1499
Toll free: 877-482-1499

Mailing Address:
PO Box 21082
RPO Ottawa South
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5N1