Monday, May 16, 2011

Wrapping Up and Winding Up

Our volunteer teams have been working very hard this past term. We are at last in the final stages of developing the pilot programs! Here is a brief updates on what Team LifeStart has been up to!

The Life Skills Team has been working very hard in developing the curriculum. This proved to be a mighty task. However, with teamwork and lots of effort, we pulled it off! The final copy was sent off for translation last week. There will be some tweaking to do once we receive the translated copy, but tweaking is manageable! We are now able to take a short breathe before gearing up for the training week!

The Foster Care Pilot Team also successfully completed developing a comprehensive set of foster care protocols and minimum standards of care, complete with an assortment of documents to enable smooth implementation of the program! We are now focusing on polishing the training weeks and preparing for the trip!

Our Videography Team has grown substantially these past few months. A number of volunteers have stepped in to help up translate and subtitle the video footage we took in October! Translation is ongoing and we will be focusing on developing some videos, including a seminar video for Odessa officials, over the next few months!

And so, though we have had a good many bumps along the way, everything is coming together nicely. Over the next month and a bit, we will be tweaking and finalising and preparing for our trip to Ukraine. Once in Odessa, we will get to work closely with World Hope Ukraine and local practitioners in implementing these projects!